Font purchasing can be complicated, because after you decide on what font style you want to buy, you also have to select the correct type of license to cover your intended use.From user testing and feedback, we knew that users were frequently tripped up on the license selection step of the purchase flow. I created the Buying Choices interface to help the user to select the correct license and font package for their needs. This interface is an integral part of the purchase flow and allows the user to select which styles in the font family they want to buy, and what type of license.
Buying Choices
Part of the MyFonts purchase flow
The next step is to set the price for different license types. I designed for the font use case first, as fonts have the most complex licensing models of any products sold on Creative Market.
The user then adds metadata about the product including the description, tags, and SEO information.
The final step is to preview what the product will look like, then publish it to push it live on the site.
The cart is one of the most important parts of any ecommerce site. For this project, there was a business need to update the cart design to accommodate the new purchase options that had been added to MyFonts. I also saw an opportunity to improve some of the cart interactions and increase the clarity of the information presented. My redesign consisted of first redesigning the information architecture of each item of the cart to make it clearer what type of license you were buying, and the quantity. After I had finalized this design, I created responsive designs and worked with the developers to get them implemented.
MyFonts Cart
Part of the MyFonts purchase flow
This project was a major change to MyFonts which included the top navigation and the home page.
Top navigation: I simplified and reorganized the top navigation to funnel users to the highest value pages. This resulted in an increase in revenue.
Home page: I created a feed-based design for the home page that was designed to be personalized and surface content that was relevant and interesting to each individual user. This was a responsive design as well.
MyFonts Home Page & Top Navigation
Responsive Design and Information Architecture